1 wk in Shanghai
Today's the 1st wk i'm here... has been a really quick wk & time passing v fast.. all in all, it has been a ok time here.. the food's nice... the transport's cheap though not as convenient.. more scenery as well.. but can't beat anythng i've at hme... dat's my dar... missing her lots lots.. not used to not having to talk to her as & when i like... not able to sms as & when i feel like... can't see her as & when i wan to.. wish she can be jus by my side all the time..
wat i gotta say abt workin in shaghai is the hrs r long... though my official working hrs are frm 9 to 6... it turns out dat the norm is till 12+ am & smetimes till 2am as well.. & of cuz the allowance's miserable.. can't really complain abt it, but my rent's equal to my allwance... so any difference, it's out of my own pocket...
hope dat i'll be able to post regularly.. wanna update all abt how shanghai's.. a nice place to have fun & eat... but wif expensive lodgings...
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