KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

3rd day at work..

well.. finished my 3rd day at work.. so far, it has been a pretty smooth time.. learning to handle the different software to extract information.. will be really busy after the new year cuz we'll need to rush out the reports for the various companies..

the ppl in my section seems pretty friendly, but have been warned by my direct supervisor to be wary of some ppl.. don't step on their toes.. or not, i'll suffer the consequences.. being stabbed at the back w/o realizing.. gotta stay clear of office politics.. know such stuff are not uncommon, but wanna keep clear.. other than that, still having quite an ok time at work.. but of cuz it's still very different time while i was in Shanghai.. kinda missed my time there, cuz really learnt alot while was there.. attending the conferences & meetings, even though the hours were long..

now hoping for a chance to transfer to the Stand chard in Shanghai cuz it seems there are openings there.. but still gotta wait & see in S'pore side as they are looking for those with enough experience.. quite waste of $$ to send someone who doesn't know enough.. must get my supervisor to get the relevant contacts.. hehe...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Finally a job offer?

the week has passed by so quickly.. realise dat time really flies v v fast..

anyway, managed to get a chance to work at Standard Chartered next week.. though it's a temp job & the pay's like hrly rated, it's still a decent job (i hope).. gonna cross fingers & hope dat the final interview goes through.. will be reporting for work on mon at the standard chartered at tampines.. guess 1 of the good thngs is there's a straight bus to work.. just hope they offer to me a perm job soon.. a little sianz from the job hunting..

noticed dat i haven't really been blogging regularly.. though i can say dat hardly anyone drops by here.. so wat the heck la..

it's 1 more week to christmas.. well, haven't received anythng yet dis yr.. not really expecting much either.. the feeling not v strong leh.. also dunno y.. jus hope it's a passing phase.. gotta enjoy life!! or not it's gonna be v miserable.. hehe..

Friday, December 09, 2005

Time Flies..

it has been a month since i last posted on my blog.. time really flies so fast.. & i'm still unemployed.. it sux a little & i can take it as a holiday i wun be able to enjoy when i'm working in the future..

a quick update will be dat though i've went for some interviews, my chances of being a Citibanker is gone.. guess i'm just not the rite person for them.. a sad truth, but just gotta accept it.. went for the 2nd interview & screwed it up, i guess.. maybe it really doesn't help to be really honest on what u r really planning to do or say.. whatever it is, it's over.. just gotta look for another 1..

with Christmas approaching, i'm gonna be out of town for the 1st time in yrs during this period.. when i was small, we used to go as a family for our annual holiday.. but somehow it stopped when dad didn't want to take leave.. dis yr, he wanted us to go as a family.. although dun really feel like going... not exactly in the mood.. but as what he says.. it's family outing, so i gotta go.. it has been yrs since our family has gone together for a long period.. just hope nothing will go wrong for it..