KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Dat's our beauty queen.. hee..  Posted by Hello

it's Easter, but i'm at hme..

before i forget... Wishin all a Happy Easter!! No chocolates for me dis yr... like v low-key easter dis yr...

well, today's the 3rd day without seein my darlin... missin her voice liaoz... jus 1 more day & she'll be back!! but luckily, the past 2 days seem to go pass in a blur... me stonin around... den to church on gd fri after sendin deb off to the airport... cleanin the house on sat, den sendin mum to the airport (ya, the 2 women in my life all when to thailand...).. after which rushed down to suntec cuz chermaine got into the finals for the zaobao modellin contest..

though i reached at 8pm when it was suppose to start at 7.30, i didn't missed anyhtng cuz they haven't even start the thngie except for the emcees talkin... but it was really alot of pple crowdin the whole area.. was on the 2nd floor tryin to get a glimse of the stage, pushin my way to the railin, so can get a betta view.. the whole thng started off at 8.15 with the swim suit item.. nothin really skimpy, but u can still hear the wolf whistles for sme of the contestants.. but the guys were gd... i'm perfectly straight, but u ought to admire sme of the male contestants.. well defined 6 packs... tall, dark, muscular... i think alot of the gals present were droolin... haha... den it was followed up by the casual dressin... cher pulled it off nicely too... & lastly, the formal dressin with pieces done by nafa students.. cher was wearin a dress wif a really long skirt dat was draggin on the floor... but hey, she looked really elegent in it.. den while we were waitin for the results, celest chong came & sang a few songs... wah, she still got the X factor... hehe... den it was the time for the results at 10.15... cher got the 2nd runner-up * congrats, gal!!* aniwae.. personnally & honestly, i felt dat the winner shouldn't be the winner... the 1st runner-up should have won instead & cher gettin 2nd lor.. but hey, dats life huh.. connections count leh...

well, enough for dis really long post... goin out for lunch liaoz.. hungry... & before signin off... wanna say... I MISS U, dar!!! C ya real soon!!! hehe...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Last Day of Adidas Sale!!

today's the last day for the sale, but guess there shldn't be anythng there interestin left... most prob only the odd sizes... so pple who wanna go, be prepared to be disappointed unless ur feet v big or v small.. hehe...

was at the sale in expo on the 1st day... man, was it lots of pple... had to queue for 20mins jus to go into the hall & mind u, i was there 15mins after the openin time... guess there r alot of pple so crazy ova adidas stuff, like me... hehe... wif so many pple around, it was really like grab wat u like 1st, later den settle if u wanna get it or not.. christine joined me for the sale & we both were like goin round & round the hall, pickin the best stuff we saw... & our bags were quickly filled wif lots of stuff.. haha... bags, shoes, clothes... u name it, we got it... hehe... after few hrs of walkin, we finally settled down at a cleared area on the floor & start checkin our wares... confirmin our purchases... was in a delimma ova 2 shoes... 1 is colour unique & which i dun've (but deb says it's totally not me) & the other is brown & nice (but oredi have smethng similar to it)... actually chose the colour unique pair (it's actually navy blue wif orange stripes) & was in my plastic bag wif the rest of the clothes & bags.. now the worse thng is dat we have to queue to pay... & boy was it a v v v long queue... even though there were like at least 8 counters, i took me like 45mins to pay!! siaoz...

aniwae, the final purchase i made was a france originals jersey for myself, a pair of shorts & sweat pants for deb, a bag for alfie( aka bro, andy lau, not forgettin P*P!! hehe..), a bag for gracie & clothes for my own sis.. last min jus before payment, i took out the pair of shoes... felt dat the $$ could be betta spent on sme1 else.. hee.. still got who else, rite?? hehe.. so had christine to put it at the basket cuz i jus couldn't bear to put it away myself... haha..

now wonderin, shld i drop by expo today?? hehe... if still got my size of shoes today... it's jus meant to be... hee... hmm...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Finally repaired 1 comp..

& 1 more to go... haven't been able to update my blog for ages since both my comps were down... tok abt suay... sigh... & the worse thng is dat i'm now not able to retrieve all my data dats inside the old hard disk!! damn... gettin on my nerves.. all my photos... files... songs... movies...

if anyone readin dis ( which i dun think so..) noes how to retify it, pls let me noe... thanx...

now gonna try repairin the other comp...

Friday, March 04, 2005


it really has been ages since i made my last post... guess been really bz doin my other stuff.. the mock exams (though didn't really prepare for it, but at least i'm lookin at my notes..).. well, as the exam dates draw closer day by day.. the feelin dat i'm gonna end my student life is real.. so sad to stop bein a student.. no workin stress.. work part-time jus to earn enough to spend on own stuff.. den alwazz havin fun wif frens.. but really gotta get thru the exams & grad dis time... no $$ to continue to study.. education in s'pore ain't cheap & unlike in europe, it's free education for them.. sounds like a gd life... jus study & the govt pays for it... but den again, such a system wun work in s'pore & will end up wif an increase in taxes instead (economics... hehe..)..

the 1 gd news for the wk is dat i had a call frm auntie elaine (who else but elaine frm SIM admin lah..).. she's recommendin me to work for hsbc through 1 of our ex-students who is there now.. my 1st job lobang, so really gotta thank God for it.. but my real dream job would be to be back at the embassy again... really like the workin environment there.. alwazz meetin new pple & alwazz movin around... not forgettin the extra holidays u get as well... iron rice bowl too & the pay's not bad either.. cross fingers & hope got more job offers comin my way...