KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Monthly Blogging..

Somehow or the other, my blogging sessions have been restricted to almost once a month.. bad.. gotta update regularly, though i don't think there's much ppl reading it in the 1st place..

well, life has been pretty ok.. work's boring (what's new, rite?) & the only interesting event that happened this month was Deb's 23rd Bday.. hee.. yup.. organised a suprise chalet (though it wasn't 1 as it turned out) with chris( thanks, gal!) for a 1 nite of chalet with a bbq amongst the few of us.. Wasn't able to celebrate with her last yr since i was in Shanghai at that time.. & of cuz there was the sabo session from chris, which she had to pull me in as well.. thank God Cheers closed & doesn't operate 24hrs.. hee... but it was a great break away from work.. really didn't feel like going back to work the following week.. really reminds me of the sching days where there r so much chalets, parties etc.. now everything also must take leave.. Sianz..

Can't wait for the next excuse for me to take leave, so i chill out & have fun.. haha.. hmm.. whose Bday is next ar??

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So fast it's another month!!

Kaoz.. time really flies so fast.. it's been a month since i last posted.. though i can say nothing much as really happened, i really suprises me as to how fast time has been.. come to think of it, at this time last yr, i was in Shanghai.. had loads of fun (ok, so was w/o deb.. dat's the drawback) & learnt alot.. now.. stuck in office, day-in day-out... don't get to see the sun till i'm really much fairer now.. sux..

Seriously, this isn't a job i'm happy to be in.. but like how life's, u just really dun have much of a choice.. u can possible eat wind, do u? & even if u do, ur family can't survive on wind either.. so for those luckier 1s, do treasure that u r able to have the choice to make in life.. not everyone so lucky as u..

now, must just get on with life & work.. & also try to look for other lobangs.. really hard to balance interests & needs.. argh!! the sad fact of life..