KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So fast it's another month!!

Kaoz.. time really flies so fast.. it's been a month since i last posted.. though i can say nothing much as really happened, i really suprises me as to how fast time has been.. come to think of it, at this time last yr, i was in Shanghai.. had loads of fun (ok, so was w/o deb.. dat's the drawback) & learnt alot.. now.. stuck in office, day-in day-out... don't get to see the sun till i'm really much fairer now.. sux..

Seriously, this isn't a job i'm happy to be in.. but like how life's, u just really dun have much of a choice.. u can possible eat wind, do u? & even if u do, ur family can't survive on wind either.. so for those luckier 1s, do treasure that u r able to have the choice to make in life.. not everyone so lucky as u..

now, must just get on with life & work.. & also try to look for other lobangs.. really hard to balance interests & needs.. argh!! the sad fact of life..


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