KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

ya... i'm doin a post now...

yupz, peeps... after MIAin for the past wk... i'm doin my blog now... think it's like totally neglected liaoz... hehe...

well, basically i'm now sick... down wif a damn cold & sore throat... sianz... so now i sound like rod steward when i'm talkin... the sexy (i hope... hehe), husky voice, which i think is horrible... gotta get well soon, to be in time for the treat frm my xlp... hehe... so i've been drinkin like tons of water, honey, herbal tea, gui ling gao... basically anythng to cool my throat... if anyone got anymore remedies, do let me noe ya?? oh, failed to mention my honey water is specially made by my mummy dearest & dar as well... 2 diff types of honey water to drink!! hee... jus dun ask me which is betta... in chinese: shou2 xing1 shi4 rou4, shou2 bei4 ye2 shi4 rou4... so both also v v nice!!

had mornin LBO class today, wif the interesting A. G. Ram (All Rights Reserved. TM.) though the topic was dry... lunch at megabites wif dar & chris... den entertained myself wof deb's qd while she was takin a nap... hee... had a snack of porridge (no other food for my throat) at clementi before we parted... sigh... mus wait till fri liaoz... sianz... sick & can't spend time wif her...

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Finally.... a post...

yupz... it has been a wk since i last posted smethng... & of cuz it's not smethng gd.... seems dat alot of thngs happened within dat 1 wk... celebrated my 23rd b day... den deb & her family met up wif a major accident while they were on their way hme few days later... so was shuttlin from home to sch, den to the hospital... Thank God dat deb wasn't so badly injured... was jus so close to losin her... sigh... didn't actually get to see the wreakage, but was told dat the taxi was totally crushed by the lorry... they even had to extracade the taxi driver cuz his leg was crushed in the front seat...

Deb was discharged on wed... after many scans, she was dignosed wif bruised kidney wif multiple abrasions... heart pains so see her suffering... had to wait for the results of the scan cuz they found blood in her urine... But was really God's blessing dat deb is ok now... needs lots of rest now... as for the rest of her family, her bro dislocated his shoulder, but didn't have to be warded... her mum was warded together wif her as she fractured her pelvis area, so now havin difficulty movin... will continue to pray for her speedy recovery...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Mins before...

it's the end of my 22 yrs, & den 23 liaoz.... scary sia... time flies so fast... so fast another yr gone by.... was like few days ago was celebratin in sch last yr... was durin bazaar period last yr.... hehe....

well, hope dis yr will be diff... cuz needless to say, i got smeone extra wif me now... hehe... really the best thng dat happened to me... hee... can't wait to spend tomolo wif her & many birthdays to come too...

spent the day at wenz's mum shop, doin up her comp... den went back to sch for cell... & had a pleasant suprice of a birthday cake too... my 1st cake for birthday dis yr... hmm... wonder got how many more to go... hehe.... 1 & countin....

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Alfie's Birthday today... which means....

mine is comin up too... 2 days more to go, & i'm another yr older.. bad... dunno y, but smetimes jus wish dat time will jus remain stangnent, where we neva grow old, where we can jus remain happy forever & ever...

well, today went for only 1 lect instead of 2 cuz jus didn't have the feelin of goin for msm today... & also cuz deb's not goin for dat lect too... will attend the sat class instead, & she's attendin too... haha... so went for my much needed haircut instead... haha...

den went back to sch for src mgm, but not before droppin by clementi to get bro's cake... haha... pandan kaya cake... nice...

jus realsied dat i haven't been updatin my blog for sme time... hee... sorry to disappoint my audience.... hehe... will try to update as much as possible, ya??