KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Thursday, June 30, 2005

dinner before we board the train back to shanghai... nice place.... Posted by Hello

church in ?? Posted by Hello

sun settin... beautiful huh...  Posted by Hello

feels like ubin, rite?? haha...  Posted by Hello

Kids in ??.. cute huh...  Posted by Hello

Giant sun flowers... they r even taller den me... scary....  Posted by Hello

dats me...  Posted by Hello

Lao Wai Tan Posted by Hello

Tian Yi Guang Chang.. the heart of the city of ?? Posted by Hello

Back from 宁波

Came back frm 宁波 last tues nite & was back to work the next mornin... has been a great business cum sight seein trip... met wif sme companies & even ate s'pore food there (yup, there's 1 there... food's not as authentic, but still passable... guess too long neva eat s'pore food liaoz.. the only bad thng is the teh terak there... costs 12rmb per cup, dat's abt s$2.20... which is far more expensive den s'pore... )

also went to places like the Kong Zi Temple on the outskirts in 宁波... shopped at there shoppin centres (though it's far lesser den shanghai... but still have sme branded stuff there)... drank lots of coffee at the 2 starbucks there.. guess, it's also an eatin trip... went to alot of nice places to eat & i think i put on weight again... the restaurants there r gd & r reasonably priced, at least if u see in s'pore $$ lah.. it's abt the same price for a zhi cha in s'pore for a top grade & service restaurant there... look at the pics & u will noe...

bought quite alot of stuff there too... 2 polo ralph polo shirt... 1 abercrombie & fitch t-shirt... 1 starbucks t-shirt.. & 1 burberry t-shirt for mum... gettin so many clothes here, wonder how am i gonna bring them back in 2 1/2 months time... hmm... any ideas??

Monday, June 20, 2005

can u believe it... the entire boat is rowed by dis uncle who looks abt 60+ liaoz & he does it wif only 1 hand... stylo huh??  Posted by Hello

on the boat we rented... an enjoyable ride after dinner.. nice to sleep... hehe...  Posted by Hello

nice river... though it's kinda polluted if u take a closer look... wat u expect when the restaurants line the river... hmm... & there's seafood there... hmm... food for tot...  Posted by Hello

still at zhu1 jia1 jiao2... nice scenary huh...  Posted by Hello

zhu1 jia1 jiao2... a day there on sat wif my company...  Posted by Hello

taken at zhu1 jia1 jiao's tourist sign board... funny english..  Posted by Hello

Back early...

yup, back hme early today... reached hme abt 9 after dinner at a nice cafe selling hk food near my office... food's not bad, though it's a little more ex den the usual food around here.. had wanton noodles soup for 15rmb... den bought a name card holder as well.. hehe...

had a pretty ok time in office today.. mornin was spent doin up my summary reports for the wharton-cisco summit... den business reports.. before we had lunch at Lu Lu restaurant where we held lunch wif a biz manager frm tan tock seng hospital.. he's a fren of my boss & is in Shanghai for sme biz seminors, so visited my boss as well.. he mentioned quite abit of his industry & stuff... quite an insightful lunch though it lasted for like 2hrs... haha... den had a internal meetin at starbucks (where else, rite?? haha...)... have been off coffee for sme time... but guess i'm gonna go into the habit of drinkin coffee again... think's betta den alcohol, rite?? hee...

well, gotta go do my work at hme now.. dats also y i'm early today.. gotta do up my biz reports... summary... den my a/c lecture for the group.. will try to keep postin my stuff here, though dun think anyone comes here except my darlin.. hee... so it's for her to see now lah... haha....

Sunday, June 19, 2005

1 wk in Shanghai

Today's the 1st wk i'm here... has been a really quick wk & time passing v fast.. all in all, it has been a ok time here.. the food's nice... the transport's cheap though not as convenient.. more scenery as well.. but can't beat anythng i've at hme... dat's my dar... missing her lots lots.. not used to not having to talk to her as & when i like... not able to sms as & when i feel like... can't see her as & when i wan to.. wish she can be jus by my side all the time..

wat i gotta say abt workin in shaghai is the hrs r long... though my official working hrs are frm 9 to 6... it turns out dat the norm is till 12+ am & smetimes till 2am as well.. & of cuz the allowance's miserable.. can't really complain abt it, but my rent's equal to my allwance... so any difference, it's out of my own pocket...

hope dat i'll be able to post regularly.. wanna update all abt how shanghai's.. a nice place to have fun & eat... but wif expensive lodgings...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

on the ferry to pu dong.. Posted by Hello

nice, rite? Posted by Hello

Along the bund... across the huang pu jiang.. Posted by Hello

Along the bund Posted by Hello

a wk in Shanghai

it's been comin to 6 days & i'm oredi a wk in Shanghai... guess i'm surviving pretty ok... now able to move around individually around Shanghai, though can't really say i'm totally independent.. been mostly jus frm hme to office & offfice back to hme, so haven't really got to explore the whole or at least the more popular parts of shaghai.. so far been only to the famous shanghai bund & the nanjing west rd, where the big shopping centres r... boy, r their thngs there ex... it's comparable to s'pore prices...

aniwae, had my seminor today... the Wharton-Cisco Leadership summit... though didn't really do v much for it, still had quite a time at it... stayed at the 5 star westin hotel for a nite (totally wonderful... if u can afford the US$250 per nite, u shld go try it... dar, promise u dat when i got the $$, will bring u there... hee...)... had dinner at "M on the bund", a classy restaurant wif a wonderful view of the river & the lightings the nite before... had a wonderful sleep in westin, den buffet breakfast, followed by buffet lunch & si chuan food for dinner... really ate alot... think i'll be puttin even more weight when i'm in Shanghai... haha... but i still miss the food made by my darlin... can't beat anyhtng else... sigh...

all in all, i'm pretty ok in shanghai, jus dat i miss sme pple in s'pore... if only around, den it'll be gd... wish u r around dar...

tomolo's gonna be a long day ahead... gonna try to blog in tomolo... to my special some1... love u lots, darlin... u mus take care of urself, k? will only be able to c u in dreamland till a few months time... hold on, k? *muack*