KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Borin day at hme.... again...

hmm, seems dat i've been slackin at hme every thurs... no activities or anythng of dis sorts... betta find smethng constructive to do... sianz.... will be leavin for sch later in the evenin, to cell... feelin abit bad abt it cuz haven't been at cell for the last 2 wks... seems to have smethng croppin up at the last min... dis time, die die mus go for cell.... hahaha....

jus completed grace's a.k.a. xlp's tinkle me questioniare... & i got 70% correct!! haha... not bad liaoz hor... will further improve the score lah... hehe...

well, dis is the mornin post... will be back at nite for further updates...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I forgot to bring my notes to sch....

yupz.... can't believe it, but yupz, i forgot to bring my file out wif me today... so ended up takin a new set of notes frm sunny goh... well, it's jus a normal day in sch... had lunch wif deb & the rest of the gang at mega, den went for OT... eh, the lect was ok, though abit the stress to see both wenz & sharon writin so many side notes & mine is blank... hee... but i thng's for sure, i was totally awake durin the lect... haha....

afterwhich, walked debz to the bus stop, before goin for mm consultation, which was a total waste of time... he finished at 5 & den it's bummin time for me till 7, before dad picked me up...

had dinner at crystal jade, & they didn't have my fav high tea set... sianz... so settled for wanton noodles... not bad... but i still kinda missed my food in hk... so wonderful food there... wish can go back & eat again... hehe... & also missin the times there too... all the shoppin & eatin... hahaha....

Sunday, September 26, 2004

8 months!!

yupz... it's offfically 8 months together wif dar dar liaoz... hahahhaa.... time really flies... feelin v blessed to have her in my life.... really dunno wat will happen if she didn't appear... mayb still bummin around bah... yupz, wenz... i noe u gonna complain abt me bein mushy online, but hey... it's true mah... hee...

well, was supposed to go out wif debz today, but due to the lack of time, we r goin out tomolo instead... so today was spent doin housework lor... ironed the clothes & moped the floor... gotta bathe the dog before it's late... sianz.... the only gd thng dat happened today is dat deb's online too... haha.... seems she's the only time in my life huh?? hee... not dat i really mind lah... hehehe...

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Adidas Factory outlet!!

yupz... finally went to see the factory outlet for myself today... got alfie to go wif me & if cuz, he's late, even though he complained dat y am i meetin him so late in the 1st place... & yupz, as expected, i bought some stuff for myself again( yupz, really damn broke liaoz...)... a red polo shirt & burms... kinda justified to buy it cuz it's on discount, though only less 30% lah... kinda like the burms alot cuz the materials really nice to touch... hee... & also not forgettin gettin smethng for my dar too... hee... got her a tank top dis time... actually saw lots other stuff, but due to the lack of funds, jus gotta limit to 1 piece for now... but dat will not be the last, i promise u, dar....

Friday, September 24, 2004

Borin day stonin at home

yupz... it's another day at hme... & it's terribly borin... no lect on thurs for me, but seems like everyone else has lects.... so when i wanna get pple to go see the adidas warehouse store today, jus oculdn't find anyone to go wif me... sianz.... since had no one to go out wif & nothin to do, & gotta save $$ to, so decided to bum at hme instead (definately save $$)...

searched for food at hme, den realised dat i dun have much thngs at hme lor... so settled for bread... sianz... on the comp & tv the whole day... v borin ar... wished dat deb was wif me, but she's attendin her cousin's weddin, so can't be around....

hmm, weddins... actually haven't attended 1 in ages... not dat it's v interestin, but it jus feel kinda nice to go for 1... well, in a legal sense (haha... practisin LBO...), it's to legalise an agreement between the 2 & consideration for both parties... hehe... but guess it's gonna be an age where i gotta attend fren's weddins instead of those of parent's frens... wah.... old liaoz.... sianz.....

Saturday, September 18, 2004

It's the wkend!!

yupz.... it's the wkend again.... had lunch wif mum at the restaurant near bugis again... & yupz, ordered the fish & chips again... gotta note dat the portions seem to get smaller & smaller everytime i go there... after dat when to do sme shoppin wif mum at shaw towers & saw dis dress dat will look nice on deb, so got her to meet me there instead... & well, dar looked so nice in dat green dress... hee... well worth the $$... hehe... had desert before goin down to gen's birthday...

eh... the party was kinda borin, sad to say abt dat, but guess it's the really sensible type of b day... but the most impt thng & the best (of cuz) was dat dar was accompanyin me... well, i'm alwazz happy when in the company of her... really wish dat time will stop when i'm wif her... den can spend more time wif my love ( i noe it sounds mushy, but can't imagine life without her in my life.... terrible lor...)...

it's 3 more wks to my b day... but not much of a feelin for it... not dat i'm not lookin forward for it to come, but my look for it has changed much ova time... guess cuz i'm really much older liaoz... sad lah... it's like no longer a kid wif jus thinkin wat prezzies u gotta receive, but to 1 dat of worryin wat job u will have when u grad next yr.... sianz......

Friday, September 17, 2004

Day out wif my dar...

well, finally a day dat i can say i'm out wif my dar....we went to watch a movie a cineleisure... the terminal, starrin tom hanks & catherine zeta jones, but she wasn't really interestin to look at in the 1st place... it was a pretty ok show, wif no big suprises or anyhtng unusual... but wat's the only thng dat touch me was how a man can charm & convince everyone wif his sincerity... esp the part when he can finally fulfil his promise to his dad & leave the airport for dat few hrs, the whole service staff actually sent him off... & also funni parts wif the indian cleaner... all lots of conspiricy... haha... hmm, the part i actually like the most is where all his frens manage to arrange in such a way where catherine was manuvored to tom's laps... so so sweet.... if only i can do dat too... hehe....

after the movie, we went to have a look at the isetan sale at mandarian hotel... hmm, got for her 2 adidas tops (wat else, rite??? hehe...) & she also bought 1 other top for herself... den went to taka to walk around & later buy mooncakes for her family & mine... had sme snacks at the foodcourt before deb went back hme... so sad... wish can actually spend more time wif her... sigh... like alwazz not enough time...

den went round walkin alone... waitin to meet up wif parents to take me back... saw the adidas originals watch on sale... it's 20% +5%, which turn out to be abt $200+ still... so ex... even a big adidas fan like me, i wun get dat... will rather spend it on other watches...

well.... really hope can have such of these days again... goin out wif my love... sigh... jus gotta wait for next time again....

Monday, September 13, 2004

1st day of sch...

well, today's the 1st of lect for my final yr in sim... hopefully too... it's not dat i dun like sch life (in fact, i much prefer sch life den the cruel workin world...), but it's too much of a financial burden to the family for me to jus keep studyin & not contributin... noe dat dad's not doin well on the finances, but can't really do much... sigh... guess it's jus how life is... plus really feel dat i gotta work hard for dis yr... much of my future is gonna depend on dis expensive piece of paper... really dun wanna end up w/o anythng to fall back on when i'm older.... sigh...

on a happier note, today's lect was kinda ok, after not bein in lects for like 5 months... gonna get back into the sch life mood... hehe... & of cuz gettin to 'bio' pretty gals... hee.... JUS 'bio'in only lah... enjoyin God's work of art... hehe... & had a chillin session in megabites wif alfie & xlp... toked our personal stuff & the catchin up to do...

jus hope tomolo will be a day of sunshine & fun... sch's gotta be a fun place to study in, ya??

Sunday, September 05, 2004

My Very 1st Post!!

well, my 1st postin... hmm... also dunno wat i wanna put... but it's abt time i start writin my online diary of sorts... smewhere dat i can put my tots into (dat's if i have any huh??)... so if any of u r lucky (or unlucky)to stumble into it, thanx for droppin by...