KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


yupz... yes.... i'm STILL sick after these few wks... neva seem to recover huh?? it's 1 after another illness... sianz... really dunno when i will really totally recover... *sob*sob* really miss alot of food, cuz been stoppin myself frm eatin lots of sinful food, in the hope to recover soon (which's naturally in vain....)

went to clementi polyclinic wif deb today to see the doc... 1st time at the clementi branch & i got pretty shocked when i entered... frm the exterier, u will neva noe it's like so big inside... so many rooms & stuff, but there's only 1 doc seein the patients, so really defeats the whole pt of havin it so big... haha... thankfully i went durin lunch time, only had like 5 patients before me, so was quite fast... cuz when i was leavin, there was like 20+ pple queuein up to register to see the doc!! sianz for them... hee... & realise dat the govt's really subsidisin alot on pple's medical needs (ok, so i'm pro-govt!! haha...), cuz it's v cheap to see at polyclinic den my own GP... costed me $13.60 to see the doc plus medication...

well, really hope i'll recover soon... or not gotta go back in a wk's time to get referral to see a throat specialist... bad!!


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