KeN3's World

Jus a place for me to write out the stuff in my head...

Location: Singapore

A usually happy go lucky kind of guy... of which time has taken a toll on.. life sux, so ya.. we all still gotta live on..

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Mins before my 1st....

Anniversary wif my dar dar... hee... haven't been my topic for smetime liaoz... hehe.... time flies so fast & it's been a yr together wif her... can still remember the time we 1st got together... it was a mon, jus before we had our marketin lect (thank God i took marketin last term!! though did badly for it, it's a gd trade off to have her instead... hee...)... den we went to catch a movie wif christine & alvin tagging along... our 1st light bulbs... haha... smemore 1000w, so v v bright... hehe...

spent to much time together wif her... though we had our times when we quarrelled (yes, we r normal... so of cuz got quarrel lah...), den her monthly mood swings which will cause me to have mood swings as well... hee... but my happiest times r also wif her... it's great to noe dat u have sme1 there for u alwazz... there to love u... to hold u & to share ur happiness & sadness...

So at our 1st (& many more to go) anniversary, wanna tell my 1 & only dar dar dat i love u lots lots!! hehe... Thank you for everythng!!! Life wun be the same w/o u....
alrite guys who r readin dis & u r not her, heed my advice... if u r happily attached, cherish ur partner alwazz... for those who r not, wat r u waitin for?? go look for ur life partner!! lazin around ain't gonna help... hee... esp to my bro aka andy lau/hui aka v v soon-to-be-exprez aka P*P (u noe wat i mean... haha...)... go get urself a gf... haha...


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